Presentation on the project to attract developers to the Axelar Network

Vadim Larin
3 min readJan 16, 2022

Hi there, my name is Vadim, I worked as an engineer in telecom and fintech companies, now I teach programming to students at Yandex and I am a developer at Solana and Near ecosystems.

Axelar Network has been launching the quantum community program for over a month now to introduce the project to the world and you have to admit the program is already successful, the project is now a household name. I started to get acquainted with the project of course from reading the whitepaper and was impressed, big plans and complex tasks, it is with such an approach you can conquer the world))

As I am a developer and I love new projects that can change the world, I immediately noticed that the project is ready to cooperate with developers in a number of areas — , also in the whitepaper indicated that the platform will become a center for developers and help them to eliminate barriers between ecosystems. In the second chapter of the whitepaper, the project states that it will explain how the protocol works and how developers can interact with it. My ideas are directly related to the main points of the project, and probably everything I describe later you have already discussed in one form or another within the project.

Most importantly, once the project is up and running, you need to get the developers to actually start working with your protocol. What could be the problems in this, because this is what the crypto industry really needs?

1) You need to be highly qualified.

Everyone with the proper diligence can benefit the project within the quantum community program, but not every engineer can immediately start working with an unfamiliar project, about anyone willing is out of the question.

2) Ecosystems now allocate a lot of money to stimulate developers.

It may turn out that teams will intentionally ignore the best opportunities that Axelar Network provides in order to absorb huge grants from their ecosystems.

The solution is quality community outreach —

  1. Not only to explain, as the project whitepaper says but also to teach.

Run an event similar to quantum community program, on short training, with a demonstration of how the protocol works, give each participant the opportunity to make a test application (like a “hello world!” or “to-do list”) themselves working between ecosystems.

2. Launch events with application development contests, which will attract the community’s attention and bring them together on the way to new heights.

An example of the result of such events can be a program from keep-network, within the framework of such events the project community made a lot of active projects for the keep.

I have experience teaching programming (java), a lot of experience participating in community programs and would be happy to work with you on creating and conducting community programs for developers. I also know other developers I could bring into your project. As an option we can run such a program in closed test mode, ready to be the first participant)

To summarize, I am impressed with your project and believe in you.
All the best!

